I've had this Linear amplifier for a while now. Although it has it's caveats which can lead to creating issues (damaging) the amplifier itself, providing you take care in its set-up (RTFM), I have had great performance from this heavy and large amplifier.
There are some mods you can do mainly to do with the CAT CI-V control bus. The problem is, when HRD is connected to the IC-9100 under some conditions, the PW1 can Switch band and back again out of the blue whilst transmitting.
I believe this is still a problem on mine. I will in time investigate as soon as I get the chance but if I use a different control interface, like 'Flrig' etc. I don't seem to get the issue. I believe, it is also something due to the logging program on HRD in conjunction with HRD. If I use HRD log on its own with 'Flrig' I don't get an issue. We'll see.